What’s Worth It?
As with all remodeling projects, a close eye needs to be kept on the budget. But even if you’re looking to really “do it up,” there are very few instances where you can make a decent return on your investment.
When looking to make an upscale change to your home, start with the part of the home that can take up to 50 percent of the front of your house: the garage. In the Portland/Vancouver, WA area, replacing your garage door with something upscale with get back the most money of any upscale remodel according to the Remodeling 2016 Cost vs. Value Report (www.costvsvalue.com).
Upgraded windows are the second-most cost-effective changes you can make.
In fact, upgrading your garage door is a plus whether you go high end (98.1% ROI) or middle of the road (94.2% ROI) in the Portland/Vancouver, WA area. A new garage door is an even greater investment when the Pacific Northwest as w whole is taken into account – an upscale version will return 115% while a midrange door will still bring back 108%. The numbers still hold strong nationally as either version will bring back more than 90% of the investment.
So what is the difference between a Cadillac of garage doors and a Ford? As is the case with almost any remodel, the materials used. The upgraded garage door will use high-tensile strength steel and two coats of factory-applied paint. A more modest garage door will be a single-layer embossed steel with two coats of paint baked on. A minimum insulation rate of R-12, thermal seals between the panels, and windowed panels also set the two doors apart. Improved hinges, rollers and hardware round out the differences.
Another top top end improvement you can make is to replace your windows. Although the Remodeling 2016 Cost vs. Value Report doesn’t address mid-range window replacements, upgraded windows are the second-most cost-effective changes you can make, whether wood (82.7% ROI) or vinyl (78.9% ROI) in the Portland/Vancouver, WA Metro area. This also rings true in the Pacific Northwest and nationally.
Besides the material, very little difference exists between the two options. Both should be double-hung windows that are insulated with low-e coatings that help minimize the amount of ultraviolet and inferred light that comes through the window. This will help keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
To make sure it’s done right, contact Designers Northwest for an estimate. And be confident knowing that what you put into your upscale remodel effort you’ll be sure to get back.